Bladmuziek – multi-sensory intervention

Bladmuziek – multi-sensory intervention

A happy note

The speech in this video is Dutch – English subtitles are available.

Bladmuziek (Musical Leaf in English) is a multi-sensory interactive installation, that I designed for the course Emerging Media. Bladmuziek is green, surprising and musical. It makes for a happy note at places where one is in need of positive distraction or want to elevate their day. It is designed to surprise the user right away and helps them feel more positive and happy.

Bladmuziek started out as a project for the course Emerging Media with a case from the Center of Expertise of Social Innovation (EMI). After winning the title best project the research group Creating010 from Rotterdam University for Applied Science wanted to develop the project further with help of a €10.000 grand from Innofest. This grand enabled the project to get developed further and get tested at two festivals in the Netherlands.


01. Research

To narrow the scope of the project and get meaningful insights for the concept creation and design phase I performed multiple research activities: field research, literature research and multiple creative research techniques from the 75 tools for creative thinking card deck by Booreiland.

02. Insights

The research resulted in a lot of information to proces. To make the data easier to interpret and build insights I made infographics. I also summarised multiple research steps into Capture Cards, which helped gather insights.

03. Concept & Design

With the capture cards and insights in mind I organised and lead a OmDenken session (reverse thinking) and took part in a brainstorm session. Ideas from these sessions resulted in concepts with their respective designs.

04. Prototype & Testing

After the client (EMI) chose the concept they wanted to see developed further I started building prototypes which were tested with the multiple target audiences.

05. And do it all again

From the presentation / test of the prototype new insights were gathered and used to improve the product. This led to a reiterative proces.

Assignment and desk research
Bladmuziek started out as a case from the Centre of Expertise of Social Innovation (EMI). They asked to design an intervention that gives a positive pulse to the health of the citizens of De Landbouwbuurt, Rotterdam. For this they wanted to use positive design, nature and emerging media.
I started the project out by doing research in an online databank with information about the neighbourhood. I found out it is a young but poor neighbourhood with mostly native citizens, a lot of the housing comes from social housing schemes and the people that live there want harmony, participation and safety. To display this information, I designed infographic, which you can see below (Dutch).

Infographic neighbourhood in data (dutch text)

Field research
After the desk research I did field research. I went around the neighbourhood with a big sign asking the habitants what they missed in the area and how happy they are. This gave us a good response and input on what the concept could be.
Right after this I made a purse-diary for the habitant asking about their day to day experience and went door to door to ask people about their happy places in the area, on their use of technology and their confidence with it. Results and proces of these are displayed in the photo slider below (Dutch).

With the findings of the research we went into the concepting phase. During this I facilitated a concepting session. For this I used the technique OmDenken (reverse thinking). Goal of this was to think about the problem from a different perspective and come to possible solutions. After this I participated in a brainstorm session where I contributed ideas for the final 3 concepts out of which EMI could choose.

After the final concept was chosen I started on the prototype. For this I used a Makey Makey and wrote a code (HTML5, CSS and JS) that converted the touches to sound. I set up this prototype at a big planter at the local hospital. Where I tested the prototype with the target audience, which did not believe it would work and acted surprised and happy when they heard the sound at the same moment they touched the plants.

Presentation & pitch
After testing the prototype with the target audience in their neighbourhood, I presented the product and results to the client (EMI) who was happy with the results and also got the opportunity to test the prototype during the presentation. Out of ~6 teams our intervention was chosen as winner. This meant I got the opportunity to present it at a booth the Rotterdam Resilient congress, which was visited by influential persons from government agencies and private businesses.
The research group behind EMI, Creating010 was interested in further developing the intervention, for use in hospitals, they asked the team and me to pitch the intervention to Innofest. After the pitch we got awarded with a €10.000 R&D grand and the opportunity to test new prototypes on 2 dutch festivals.

Product development
To develop the intervention further the collected insights and feedback were taken into account. One of the focus points was to do further research into which plants can trigger relaxation via multiple senses (seeing, touching and smelling). For this I visited a botanical garden in Delft where I’ve gotten a tour of the garden by the head gardener and plant expert. they helped with recommendations for plants that stimulate the senses and are also able to be touched without dying.

Also the form of the intervention, specifically the planter, needed thinking because the small Ikea boxed we used for the earlier prototypes wouldn’t work for a full scale intervention. For this I set multiple design guidelines, which these I made sketches of possible forms and configurations. These were also tested (low-fi) with chairs. The best form was a half round planter, which I further designed in SketchUp. Deskresearch into vandalism deterring design was also a part of this iteration.

Supply issues
Unfortunately it was not possible to get the planter produced to the specs the team and I decided on. It would be to costly and take to long. Due to this a plan B was developed. We would be building a planter ourselves of reclaimed wood. Luckily an open wood workshop was open to hosting us. With the wood available at the workshop we build a full planter which was still in line with the design guidelines I set. it also had a surprising benefit, is was a more sustainable design. The festival organisers were especially pleased with this design choice.

FestaValderAA was the first festival that welcomed us to test the intervention during their festival. The prototype was pretty much finished and worked perfectly during the tests at school. During the festival however my team and I had to deal with a lot of problems. Unfortunately there were problems with the energy source with caused the upgraded sensors to not work the way they should. Luckily there was good coffee available. The power delivery was also not stable enough. I worked together with a team member and a teacher of school to debug and problem solve the problems. Unfortunately we had to decide to go back to a previous revision, which did work. I also went out and bought rechargeable powerbanks to use as a power source. This proven to be more stable and when the power at the festival cut out, we were still able to go ahead with the tests and experiments. Luckily the tests were a succes! 

Welcome To The Village (WTTV)
Unfortunately there was not enough time between FestiValderAA and WTTV to find other solutions to get the prototype fully functional in the way the team and I envisioned. But because the implemented solutions worked good enough to still be able to test we had a lot more time to interact with the visitors of WTTV and get feedback from their usage of the intervention. The tests resulted in a lot of usable data and of course happy and amazed visitors. Not an intended use, but fun and social was that some visitors tried to form as big a line as possible and still be able to play the plants.

LOLE – vintage clothing subscription

LOLE – vintage clothing subscription

Open Project

‘How can we change the attitude of young (heterosexual) men in a positive way, so they will be nugged to buy vintage clothes?’ Was the design question I had to solve for the Open Project (group). After doing extensive research, concepting and design sessions LOLE was born. LOLE is a concept for a vintage clothing subscription for men. Aiming to convince them that wearing vintage clothes is not something to be ashamed of and has multiple benefits on personal and global level.

In the second year I, together with 2 colleague students, participated in Open Project. For this I had to write my own assignment on which I would be working during the project, which was designed to encourage personal growth on courage, boldness, curiosity and contemplation. At the end of the project I had to deliver a prototype and an experience.


01. Research

To narrow the scope of the project and get meaningful insights for the concepting and design phase I performed multiple research activities, like location visits, (ladder) interviews and literature research.

02. Insights

The research resulted in a lot of information to proces. To get more insights out of the interviews, I did a braindump. Following the braindump I participated in brainstorm sessions to find concepts for prototypes.

03. Design and protoypes

With the concepts in hand I designed and developed prototypes and tested them on prototype parties. Feedback gathered during the parties were used to refine the prototypes.

04. Final prototype

The refined prototypes formed the base for the final prototype which was an expo to present and test the final prototype: an experience, website and example of a subscription box.

To start off the project I did research on the perception of vintage clothing. For this I photographed vintage clothing shops and interviewed (ladder interview in dutch) potential users. During which I found out vintage clothing is perceived as dirty, hard to find and outdated shops. After which I made a vintage lookbook to test out if a more modern look would appeal to the user. During an exposition I asked potential users if they would wear what they saw and if it appealed to their senses. Which resulted in a loud yes. To design the lookbook I made wireframes, edited photo’s, did an editorial session to choose the photo’s which would end up in the lookbook and made the patterns for the cover pages.

Because the main goal was to shift the behaviour of our target group, I did a research on behaviour management (dutch). For this research I looked up two techniques: nudging and the behaviour management model of Balm. I closely watched our concept with this information in mind and made recommendations for bigger possibilities of behavioral change.
I contributed by finalising the concept as well. I did this by making the style guide and wireframes of the website. As well as visualising a big part of the pages of the website, you can view the Marvel prototype here (in dutch and containing only the pages I visualised).

Mockup - homepage of lole in a macbook pro

Rock it with Rockwell

Type specimen Rockwell (Dutch) - page 1

Rock it with Rockwell

Information Design

For the course Information Design I had to make a poster and type specimen of a self-chosen typeface: Rockwell. These had to display the typeface, its possibilities and background information. The product had to be designed with students and the lector in mind. I was only allowed to use composition, colour and the shapes of the typeface, for the poster. For the type specimen I was also allowed to use other graphic elements, such as photographs.

I started the assignment with researching the Rockwell and its history. After that I sketched multiple compositions and ideas, the best of which I digitised. With the digitised sketches I started iterating on colour compositions. Out of these iterations I had chosen my personal favourites, which I showed to my peers and lector for feedback. I used their feedback to polish and select my end product, which you can view in the slideshow or as download below this text.
I am proud of my final products, they look good and meet the requirements of the assignment. I also kept the user in mind by asking them for feedback on my iterations. Because I did not have a lot of experience on colour compositions, I had made a lot of iteration for this. I noted what did and did not work, so I have a better understanding and can spend less time on colour compositions for my next projects.


01. Research & insights

Finding information about the typeface and its history, usage, defining characteristics and reach. Combining them into insights to use for the design and content.

02. Concepts

Based on insights and the typeface as inspiration I made concepts for the form, composition and colours. On a selection of those I asked feedback from peers and stakeholders.

03. Iterative design

After getting feedback I picked the favourite concepts and took the feedback to make iterations and asked feedback on those as well.

04. Final product

After the final feedback and iterations have been made I chose 2 favourites and asked peers to state their favourite, combined with my favourite one the final product was selected.